This year because of my work I thought that I wouldn't be able to visit this year's book fair... But then I managed to go and like always I got lost between books :P
But because I had already bought a few books the month before, I didn't spent too much money.... So, my only acquisitions were at the Saída de Emergência, were it was very difficult to choose a book because they were all good. These were my choises:

And then because they had the offer of one book if you bought two, I choose this one because I had heard good opinions about it:

Because this is book number 1 I guess that if I like it I have to buy the rest of the books :P
Or I can lent them to you... :P Just let me know if you liked it!
Boas escolhas, tanto nos livros adquiridos como na oferta.
Espero que seja o teu tipo de literatura porque George R.R. Martin é excelente no seu género.
WhiteLady, eu escolhi mesmo este livro pois tinhas me dito que era muito bom :D
E se eu gostar depois peço-te emprestados os outros :)
Monica, eu adoro este genero...e como era oferta, ainda para mais do primeiro volume, nao resisti :P
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